Art, Movies & Experiments

Went to see a Picasso exhibition at the local art gallery last week. It was pretty interesting but I think I preferred the Andy Warhol one from a few months ago. Also went to see “Get Smart” at the cinema which was funnier than I expected it to be. I don’t think it’s been out back home yet so if anyone gets a chance to go see it when it does then go for it because it’s worth seeing if you want a good laugh.

Been very busy the last week getting everything ready for our neutron experiment – can’t believe we fly on Tuesday! I’m feeling a bit happier about the whole thing now as we’ve finally got all the equipment for the tests and I’ve been able to do a few practice runs. Also finally managed to get through to Qantas and warn them that we’re bringing scientific equipment with us. The stuff couldn’t look more like your stereotypical bomb if it tried to. Plus, it AND us are going to “smell” of explosive compounds so if they swab us or if there are sniffer dogs, etc. we’re going to set off every alarm they have. So that should be interesting! The best bit is I get to bring the whole lot home with me when I’m traveling on my own too. Hoorah.

Still got quite a bit to do in the next 2 days to get everything ready so had a quiet night this evening after an afternoon in the lab. Went to see “Hancock” with George at the cinema. The film was pretty good, but I’m not sure it was as good as I was expecting. Still worth seeing but it wasn’t as good as Get Smart was. Worst bit was on the way home. Firstly I was on the wrong side of the bus centre to get a bus home, once I had swapped sides I find a sign saying that due to the rugby (Australia v France) that was on, all the buses to my house had to be caught from the other side of the river. So off I trot across the bridge, eventually get down to the bus stop, have to wait 20 minutes for the next one. When it finally comes it takes the most random route home (again due to the rubgy) and as it took so long I was a total muppet and forgot to press the button to stop at the right stop. Typically the next stop is all the way at Indooroopilly shopping centre – a 15-20 minute walk from my house. So I start to walk and, HOORAH, it starts to rain. Trip home from hell considering it should have been a simple 15 minute bus ride. Oh well.

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